
Caroline Ladidi Anze-Bishop AICMC Felicitates With All Christians On The Triumphant Memorial Of Easter.

Caroline Ladidi Anze-Bishop AICMC Felicitates With All Christians On The Triumphant Memorial Of Easter.

Mary Akanbi
31st March, 2024

Worthy is the lamb that was slain and hath redeemed us to God by his blood… Hallelujah!.

I congratulate and felicitate with all of my Christian Brothers and Sisters on the glorious remembrance of a unique day of joy and completion of our salvation story. May the light and miracle of our resurrected Lord dispel any winds of hopelessness or despair assuaging your lives and may you be filled with his love, comfort, peace and blessed assurance at all times. May every wind of hopelessness, deadness and impossibility in our lives be blown away by the miracle of the resurrection and filled with the ever abiding and ever assuring victory bringing presence of the sweet Holy Spirit!. He is risen as he said and so shall we!
Happy Easter celebrations with peace like a River!.

Caroline Ladidi Anze-Bishop.

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